Studio Patrice Pajak. (2021)
Logo & social media logo.
Logo for Kokarda frisør. (2021)
The inspiration for the logo and the new name for the business was the owner herself. Her nickname is "Kokarda" which translates to " the bow" in English. We picked a very gentle, girly color palette and played with the idea of the flower in the middle of the bow. The logo references the traditional Polish folk pattern she loves, which became a theme for the studio's interior design. 
Logo for "Se og les" language learning phone application. (2020)
To the requested palette of blues that are going to appear through the app, I proposed to add the color orange which is associated with energy, excitement, change, and is a great color for calls to action. Orange and blue are also complementary colors that are especially pleasing for the eye because they play off one another's intensity. It's a natural example of opposites attract. 
F63 studio's logo, inspired by the location of the studio in the old airport Fornebu. Oslo, and Norwegian sunset color palette. (2020)
Logo for viem, my visual merchandising business. (2020)

The inspiration for this logo was a chameleon because visual merchandisers like a chameleon can change "colors" depending on the project.
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